Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Teens Skin Care Tips

Due to overactive harmon al glands around puberty the skin becomes oily. Specially the Centre of the face from forehead to chin area tends to extra oily. Since the body is generally covered, once a day cleaning is enough but the same is not the case with face, neck and arms due to over exposure to sun, dust and other pollution. None of the teens can neglect your skin even if it is normal. You can visit our section of skin care and types for more information about the skin care.

Beauty From Vegetable and Fruits

Highly effective face packs and lotions can be prepared from fruits and vegetables which will give your skin a soft, lovely radiance.
Astringent lotion - Blanch a small peach, remove its stone and grind and squeeze out its juice. Add to it one­fourth teaspoon each of lime and tomato juice. Mix well and spread on your face and neck and leave on for 15 minutes.
- Cucumber tonic - Grate and squeeze out juice from a small cucumber and mix in one-fourth teaspoon each of lime juice and rose water. Apply on face and leave on for 15 minutes. This tonic improves a dull and greasy complexion.
- Cleansing lotion - To one-fourth teaspoon of lime juice stir in one teaspoon each of milk and cucumber juice. Apply on the face and neck and wash off after 14 minutes. This lotion cleanses and purifies the pores of the skin.
- Cabbage mask - Grind a couple of cabbage leaves and extract juice. Dissolve one-fourth teaspoon of yeast in it and stir in one teaspoon of honey. Mix well and apply thickly over face and neck. Remove with cotton-wool soaked in water 15 minutes after application. This mask will Counteract any tendency towards wrinkles and dry­ ness and give your skin a flower-like bloom.
- Orange tonic - Blanch and grind a couple of almonds to a paste and mix in two tablespoons of milk and one tablespoon each of carrot and orange juice. Apply thickly on face and neck and leave on for half an hour. Removes scars and blemishes from the face and makes it soft and smooth.
- Tomato lotion - To one tablespoon of tomato juice add a couple of drops of lime juice. Apply on face and remove after 15 minutes. It is very effective for shrinking enlarged pores.
- Watermelon lotion - Grate and squeeze out juice from a small piece of watermelon. Apply on face and neck and leave on for 15 minutes. This lotion freshens up the skin.
- Whitening lotion - To one tablespoon of cucumber juice stir in a few drops of lime juice and a dash of turmeric powder. Apply on face and neck and wash off after half an hour. Makes an excellent whitener for all types of skins.
- Potato tonic - Grind and squeeze juice of potatoes. Apply on face and neck and leave on whole night. Next morning, wash with water to which a little witch hazel has been added. This tonic whitens and brightens the skin.
- Carrot lotion - To one-fourth teaspoon of carrot juice add one teaspoon of melted honey. Remove with cotton wool soaked in water to which a little soda bicarbonate has been added after 15 minutes. It removes roughness from the skin and makes it smooth as silk.
- Tomato tonic - To two teaspoons of tomato juice add four tablespoons of buttermilk. Remove after half an hour. It is excellent for removing sunburns
- Cucumber lotion - One tablespoon each of cucumber juice and milk and a few drops of rose water should be mixed together and applied on the face and neck and removed after 15 minutes. Makes excellent whitener for delicate skins.
- Grape lotion - One tablespoon grape juice should be applied on the face and neck and left on for 15 minutes. Makes the skin soft and smooth, bright and fair.
- Papaya cream - Apply one tablespoon finely ground raw papaya to the face and leave on for 15 minutes. Removes pimples and other embarrassing blemishes.
Apple tonic - Mix one tablespoon of apple juice with one-fourth teaspoon of lime juice. Leave on for 20 minutes. Makes excellent tonic for combating greasiness.
- Coconut lotion - Water of coconut, if rubbed on the skin and left on for 15 minutes, lightens and brightens the skin.

Beauty From Milk

Beauty From Milk

To make your skin soft and smooth dip a piece of cotton wool in milk and pat all over your face. Leave on for half an hour and wash off with water.
Mix two tablespoons of milk in one teaspoon of salt and apply on the face at bedtime. This makes the skin petal soft and silken smooth.
To lighten your complexion grind a couple of almonds in milk and apply on the face at bedtime.
To brighten a dull complexion mix two tablespoons of milk powder with enough hydrogen peroxide to a thick paste. Mix in a few drops of liquid ammonia. Leave on for 15 minutes.
To improve a dark and dull complexion soak bengal gram pulse (chick-pea) in milk overnight. Next morning, grind to a paste and mix in a pinch of turmeric powder and a few drops of lime juice and leave on for half an hour.
To lighten and brighten your complexion take a tablespoon of milk and mix in one teaspoon each of carrot, orange juice and melted honey. Leave it on for 15 minutes.
An excellent mask for a dry and blemished skin is made by taking a tablespoon of gram flour and mixing in a big pinch of turmeric powder, one-fourth teaspoon of orange peel powder, a teaspoon of beaten curd and a teaspoon of milk. Apply on the face and neck. When the skin starts feeling taut, rub it with your hands until it glows. Then, wash with tap water.

- To make the skin soft and smooth grind one fourth tea spoon of chironji to a paste and mix with one fourth teaspoon each of milk and curd. Leave on for 20 minutes.
- Another mask for making the skin soft and smooth is prepared by taking one fourth teaspoon each of watermelon, cucumber and gourd seeds and grinding them to a paste in milk. Mix in half teaspoon of cream or top of milk and a few drops of rose water. Leave on for 20 minutes.
- To lighten and brighten the skin and improve blood circulation fry a teaspoon of green gram in a teaspoon of olive oil to a red color, grind to a paste in milk. Apply on face and leave on till the skin feels taut. Then, rub the skin till it glows and wash off.
- For making the skin fair, grind as small piece of sandalwood in milk to a paste. Mix in one fourth teaspoon of turmeric powder and leave on for 20 minutes.
- To remove itching and other blemishes from the skin grind one teaspoon of yellow mustard to a paste and mix with a tablespoon of cream of milk and leave on for 20 minutes.
- To improve a dry and rough skin take two tablespoon cream of milk and add a teaspoon of almond oil and a few drops of essence of rose. Leave on for half an hour before removing with water. Besides using milk external­ly, drink a glass every day in order to keep your teeth, hair, nails and eyes in good condition and to put a glow into your face.

Tips Kecantikan Wajah

Secara umum baik wanita mau pun pria harus menjaga kulitnya dari berbagai gangguan. Tindakan yang patut dilakukan adalah berikut ini:
• Cuci tangan yang bersih sebelum menyentuh wajah Anda
• Lakukan cleansing kulit wajah pada pagi dan malam hari:
Perlu dilakukan di malam hari – meski Anda tidak ber-makeup, karena wajah mudah dinodai oleh polusi. Perlu pula dilakukan pada pagi hari, karena kulit Anda mengeluarkan lemak dan kotoran pada malam hari
• Di malam hari, luangkan waktu untuk memijat kulit untuk menstimulasi sirkulasi pertukaran sel-sel pada kulit. Pijatan lembut selama dua menit bisa menghilangkan keletihan, menyantaikan wajah dan memberi kecerahan kulit.
• Lindungi kulit secara benar, apalagi bila Anda sering bepergian.
• Banyaklah minum air putih.

Untuk kulit kering:
• Berilah kesenangan setiap saat
.• Ubah jenis produk perawatan kulit sesuai musim, iklim, dan gaya hidup Anda: lingkungan ber-AC, kehidupan di alam terbuka
• Mulailah menggunakan produk perawatan anti-ageing, segera setelah pertanda penuaan muncul. Hal ini kerap terjadi lebih cepat untuk jenis kulit Anda (utamanya di area sekitar mata)
• Hindari mandi dengan air panas, ada baiknya memakai bath oil

Untuk kulit sensitif:
• Hangatkan dulu produk perawatan di genggaman tangan sebelum Anda memakainya. Lakukan perawatan kulit tanpa menggosok
• Sebaiknya gunakan jari jemari daripada katun wol, kain atau tisu.
• Gunakan penyemprot air, jangan membasuh melalui keran air.

Untuk kulit separuh baya:
• Pilihlah produk perawatan kulit anti-ageing tergantung pada kondisi kulit, kebutuhan dan musim.
• Leher, mata, dan tangan Anda bisa mengurangi keindahan penampilan, jadi imbali mereka dengan perhatian yang sangat spesial.
• Di setiap pagi yang menyulitkan, janganlah ragu buat menggunakan produk kecantikan yang sesuai, yang bisa melembutkan permukaan kulit.
• Sering terkena sinar matahari langsung, bisa menyebabkan keriput dan noda di kulit.

Untuk kulit berminyak:
• Lindungi dirimu dari sinar matahari langsung, dan penimbunan lemak di kulit wajah
• Jangan mengeluarkan jerawat dan beruntusan di wajah secara swalayan
• Lakukan perawatan peeling pada wajah sekali hingga tiga kali seminggu.(jjs).